Have you had an accident in your bathroom, or some damage caused during construction you want fixed? Maybe you accidently dropped something onto your bathroom bench, basin or tiles and want the damage to go away? This is what we specialise in. Whether it’s a brand-new bathroom or one that...
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Have you accidentally dropped something on your kitchen bench, burnt or chipped a benchtop, banged a cupboard, or damaged a tile, and have a chip, scratch or dent that needs fixing? Are you sick of it being the first thing you see when you walk in? That’s what we specialise...
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Have you accidentally dragged or dropped something on your flooring that causes a chip or scratch you see everyday? Want to handover a house and just noticed damage to your flooring you need repaired? That’s what we specialise in. Whether it’s flooring that has just been installed, or has been...
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Have you accidentally knocked your kitchen cabinets and left a scratch that you see everyday? Has a corner or edge been chipped off, so now the underlying colour stands out? Have a drawer or cabinet that’s been damaged and not sure how to start getting it fixed? That’s what we...
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Have you accidentally scratched your aluminium window frames, or taken the paint off your aluminium sliding doors? Or noticed some damage to your powder coated gutters or fascia you want to no longer notice? That’s what we specialise in. If you’ve just installed some new aluminium window frames, doors or...
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Have a chip or crack in your external house bricks and thought you’d just have to live with it? We can help repair the damage and save you the visual pain and hassle of having to replace a brick. Whether it’s new bricks on your brand new house or bricks...
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